
Mutual Visa Exemptions Now Includes 150+ Countries!

OneTubeDaily 2023-01-24

Source:OT-Team(S,J),National Business Daily, Sohu

On October 20, Ma Zhaoxu, the Vice Foreign Minister of China mentioned that, China had already made agreements on Mutual Visa Exemption and relevant conditions with 150 countries.

According to statistics, from 1949 to China’s reform and opening up in 1979, only 17 million Chinese mainland residents went abroad; From 1979 to 2008, 330 million Chinese mainland residents traveled out of the country; from 2009 to 2018, 1.05 billion Chinese mainland residents traveled abroad, and the number in 2018 alone was 160 million.

Now there are 15 countries that set Mutual Visa Exemption with China for Ordinary passports holders. Including:

UAE, Barbados, the Bahamas, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ecuador, Fiji, Grenada, Mauritius, Republic of San Marino, Seychelles, Serbia, Tonga, Belarus, Qatar, Armenia.

There are 18 countries or regions that unilaterally allow Chinese nationals to enter without visa:

  • 4 in Asia:Indonesia, Uzbekistan, South Korea (Jeju Island, etc.), Oman
    (On July 10 of 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan issued an announcement that, it would implement a 14-day visa-free entry policy for nationals of China, Iran and India, and the total number of days of stay within 180 days cannot exceed 42 days.)

  • 1 in Europe:Republic of Albania

  • 3 in Africa: Morocco, Reunion Island (French) Reunion, Tunisia

  • 7 in Americas:Antigua and Barbuda, Haiti, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (British Overseas Territories), The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Turks and Caicos Islands (British Overseas Territories), Jamaica, Dominica

  • 3 in Oceania:Northern Mariana Islands(Saipan island etc.), The Independent State of Samoa、Polynesia (French)

Here is the full list:

